What do we do?

The Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen (German Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Television – FSF e. V.) promotes youth media protection in television and internet. It awards age ratings and offers a forum for social and academic debate on issues of youth media protection and media ethics. The FSF has been an official state-approved self-regulation institution operating within the system of regulated self-regulation since 2003.


Age ratings for all distribution channels

Our customers are companies looking to market their product with a legally compliant age rating for all distribution channels, especially:

  • TV providers (age ratings for TV/DVD)
  • Streaming providers (age ratings for streaming/DVD)
  • License holders (age ratings for all forms of exploitation)
  • Content providers (age ratings for all forms of exploitation)


We offer

  • One-Stop-Shop: In a single process, we provide legally sound age ratings for all distribution channels, including approval by the FSK (Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Film Industry)
  • For TV broadcasts: extra differentiation between 12 prime time and 12 daytime, and, if necessary, editing requirements for a lower age rating
  • Privilege effect in supervisory procedures according to JMStV (Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media)
  • Well-founded evaluation texts for each content for your own communication
  • Additional information: content descriptors according to JuSchG (German Protection of Young Persons Act), parental information, possible warning notices, references to support services
  • Legal opinions

How do we work?

The FSF is organized as a non-profit association and legally recognized as a self-regulation institution under the JMStV.

  • Collaboration is service and solution-oriented. We can flexibly and appropriately respond to large amounts of content or time constraints
  • The work is transparent at all levels; companies are free to choose the most suitable solution among various options
  • Supplementary notes such as content descriptors are offered; their display on platforms is not mandatory for companies according to the JMStV
  • Contents are evaluated by experts who carefully assess risks and opportunities

As a member, you have additional advantages

  • Reduced examination fees and training costs
  • Tailored in-house training
  • Database access to currently more than 40,000 approval decisions with detailed examination reports and editing requirements
  • Interface for data exchange with companies, trade press, and EPG
  • A classification tool to support youth protection officers

Would you like to explore options for your product and calculate potential cost savings?

Talk to us! We would be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer.

Claudia Mikat, Managin Director


+49 30 23 08 36 50